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the majestic morrison's beach!

my poor jambaloney got a bit of a septic surprise the other day but being that he is so resourceful, he managed to fix the problem, dug another 75ft trench and is filling some of it in with rocks and sand from the beach. what could have been a very costly thing to fix was free! that guy works so hard! anyway, he went down to the majestic morrison's beach the other day and brought me back another plate full of mussels - yummeh!

here are some pics of the beach:

it's quite something eh?

the cape breton sky is 97 different shades of blue and grey and you can see all of the different shades when down at the beach!

of course the water is freezing at this time of year!

but it's just so pretty to be able to look out on the majesty with the wind whipping through your hair and not another soul to be seen.

it sure reminds you how truly tiny you are in the grand scheme of things!  i love that beach - it is so clean and refreshing!

jam will have a post up in a few detailing the septic surprise and what he did to correct it. of course, our buddy W was a big help providing guidance and advice. that W has really been there for us almost from the minute we put this blog up. he's a treasure, he is. thanks W!!!

i hope that you all are enjoying your week!

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