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Hello Angels
Since am on my core leave until Jan 2, 2013....most of these days were spend partying, eating, shopping and sleeping!! (a lot of 'ing' going on)...i am exploiting my day offs to the core and no regrets what so ever!!  

 On my plate...

1/2 ♥ morning breakfast with mom @ More Cafe
3 ♥ Nando's
4 ♥ Burned cookies courtesy me and my grlfrnd (Of course our second batch turned out well)
5 ♥ Triple layer choco from Choco's
6 ♥ My Fav - Spicy royale from Burger King

Its always such a joy, if we can spare time for a lovely dinner or breakfast in a day. With a hectic work schedule am mostly deprived of it but i sure did make up for it this time...

What have you guys been munching on lately?

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