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Aladdin the Musical ❤

The moment I was waiting was finally here! I was pretty excited to go. Thinking of who should accompany me and i finally decided to have my junior to go with me. Meeting up with the rest of the bloggers made me excited too. ❤

Thanks Avante for the tickets! ❤

Reached at Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach around 7.15 pm on 2nd of Dec even though we departed early that night. The show started at 7.45 pm and thank god i managed to make it on time. 

After collecting tickets, we were supposed to wait for the train to pick us up to head to the Amphitheatre to watch Aladdin the Musical. I couldn't wait to see what Genie is going to sing since i went for Meet the Cast of Aladdin the Musical two weeks before this show. =p 

Janice Yeap, the blogger ❤ *teehee*

Posters of Aladdin the Musical were displayed everywhere and one of it was the Genie the Lamp ❤

We were seated according to the numbers but the usherette said we got to sit at the Red Zone but better be not cause i didn't want to get booed by the rest of the spectators. Below are the shots of the stage at Amphitheatre ❤

While waiting for the rest of the spectators since the train couldnt accommodate many people in one trip, we camwhored for awhile. Introducing my junior, Lin Huey. ❤ The fat guy was staring at us when we camwhored. Zzz. 

My turn to camwhore alone. ❤

The show almost started and Slave of the Ring appeared on the stage. Let my photos below do the talking! ❤

...........drum rolls............






Dancers ❤

Aladdin with the dancers ❤

Princess Jasmine with the Sultan ❤

Evil Jafar with Sultan ❤

Genie sang and danced 'Billionaire'! 

Look at the cute props!

Petronas Twin Tower appeared!

Sunway Lagoon's logo this time! 

They sang Christmas song and it snowed at the end of the show!

Both Aladdin and Princess Jasmine lived happily ever after ❤

The photos above are arranged according to the sequence of the musical show! ❤ To those who haven't watched the musical, get the tickets and watch now as the show is going to end on 2nd January 2012! Price of the tickets are available from RM300 (VIP), RM250 (Red Zone), RM200 (Blue Zone) and RM100 (Yellow Zone) for adults. On top of that, you will get 30% discount off Sunway Lagoon entrance tickets if you purchase each of the Aladdin tickets sold.  Hurry up and don't miss the chance. The dancers are amazing and also not forgetting the main casts! They are marvellous! Thanks for invitation, Avante! ❤

P/s: Being a blogger has its advantage. Hehe *grin smile*
Pp/s: Photos were rather blur cause i was sitting at the blue zone. Please forgive me. =)

signing off,

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