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Earth is calling...

  The world we live in needs us to awaken our senses and listen to it calling for help.
Our planet is breathing hardly and we are behind all that. It is time to wake up and time to understand that not everything around us is ours and not everything we want is a must and not everything we do is a need.
Today and everyday is the time for us to listen to the wind blowing differently, no one heard the wind blowing that way before, no one saw the nature rebelling like this before and no one saw nor witnessed the death of our planet like we are right now.

It is time to wake up and think about where do we want to live and how, think about ourselves but also about our neighbors. Think about where and how you want your children to live and under what conditions.

Saving the planet does not depend on our governments only (because they will not do anything soon), saving our world and our eco system depends on every single one of us. Listen carefully to every word said in the video below and try to understand there is something you can do to start the change.

Home is a documentary produced in 2009 and directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and you can watch it here



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