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Blogmas // MostlyMilly

Hello my darlings!

I've decided I'm going to try my absolute hardest to post on my blog everyday in this month of December. I've been pretty sparse with my posting recently, mostly because of anxiety reasons but I think this will be a good challenge and a kick up the backside to get me back into it. 
The posts will probably be Christmas related so it's one for all my fellow festive friends out there.

I've pretty much done all my Christmas shopping and it's really kicked up my excitement. My wrapping however is unbelievably terrible and I will most probably be offering my apologies inside Christmas cards for just how badly their gifts are wrapped. Although as they say, it's the thought that counts and of course it's ripped off and tossed in a black bin bag in 0.4 seconds so really it's not the end of the world. I seem to have bought the most glittery wrapping paper you can buy and even touching it results in a mess of sparkles. However lets be honest, a gold glittery mess isn't the worst kind of mess you can be faced with.
So wish me luck and if one day I seem not to have posted, someone bombard me with messages telling me to stop wallowing and get on a laptop.

lots of love x

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