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Allow Me a Moment On My Soap Box

Over the last several years, low-rise pants had continued to grow in popularity, particularly among women's jeans. Initially, it was one of the better advancements in the world of fashion. For lingerie lovers, it was panty-flashes everywhere one turned. What could be better?

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the fashion world to catch up and design low-rise panties. Not only that, but it seemed to touch off a contest over who could come up with the lowest of low rise. Suddenly stores were offering "ultra low rise" and "extreme low rise". Apparently it became more desirable to flash a bit of ass-crack than to possibly run the risk of flashing one's panties.

Lingerie retailers have now been flooded with panties designed to sit low and cover the hips. For a guy, this meant many of the panties became quite uncomfortable and impractical. I know, it seems silly for a guy to complain about the impracticality of women's panties, but as I sit here wearing my oh-so-soft and comfortable gap nylon bikini, that I bought several years ago, I can't help by pine for the good ole days.

The good news in fashion is that high rise pants are coming back in style for women. Hopefully we are on our way to rendering the low-rise panty obsolete. A little more coverage wouldn't hurt anybody. And it just might make some of the guys a bit more comfortable.

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