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Coming soon: Etude House My Dear Blooming Lip Talk

I am so excited about this release, i have to blog about it!

after the Shini Star collection with the boyband SHINee as their model, now Etude added the cute Sandara Park in the mix! SHINee and Sandara will star for Etude House MY Dear Blooming Lip Talk lipstick. The lipstick series will have 24 different colors! whoa!

The product is heavily promoted with KISS NOTE mini clips featured in etude's korean website. each color range (2 oranges, pink, red, beige) has its own story, staring Sandara and one SHINee band member. i simply cant wait for my colors to arrive! yay!
Images taken from Etude House's Korean Website: http://www.etude.co.kr/product.do?method=view&prdCd=102003068

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