Instead of trying to explain it in my own words and offer alternatives to you all, I'm going to direct you to a blog post written by Dana, of The Wonder Forest blog. In the post, she explains everything in clear detail, telling you what this will mean for both bloggers and readers, alternative ways of subscribing to your favorite blogs, ways to back up your blog subscriptions so that they are not lost, as well as a petition that you can sign to oppose this change.
Click H E R E to see that blog post (I highly recommend doing so. Go. Read it now. You'll thank me later.)
Have you read it yet? Great! Now you're all up to speed. In the post, she provided links to other ways of subscribing and backing up your subscriptions. I'm going to link those in this post as well, in case you didn't do so already!
Google Takeout - allows you to back up all of your subscriptions into an archive
As an alternative feed reader, you can use Bloglovin' or Feedly.
Like Google Takeout, they also offer a way to automatically transfer your subscriptions so it's quick and easy to get back on track!
Click HERE to transfer them through Bloglovin'.
Click HERE to transfer them through Feedly.
Personally, I would reccomend using Bloglovin'. It's a great way to stay on track with new blog posts, in which you are notified of new posts by email, on your phone (both iphone and android), or by simply visiting the site and signing in. In case anyone is interested in how it works, here is a video:
My Bloglovin' link is always in the sidebar of my blog, with all of my social network links, but
click the icon below to visit by Bloglovin' page to follow me (unnecessary if you follow me on google reader and transfer your subscriptions to the site using the link provided above, in which case, you would already be following me)
So I hope this isn't too confusing and too much of a hassle for you all. I know it's annoying and I totally think the saying, "Don't fix it if it ain't broken" totally applies here, except it's more like, "Go find something better to do than take away something that so many people use.."....right? ;)
In all seriousness, don't forget to transfer your subscriptions to stay in touch with your favorite blogs! I'd hate to lose you guys!
Again, if you haven't read the article by Dana from The Wonder Forest blog, please refer to the link at the beginning of the post!
Happy blogging and happy blog reading!
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